In anticipation of changes

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Activities planned within the international project Start the change are on Slovenian schools becoming their final shape. Youngsters at Gymnasium Slovenske Konjice and primary school dr. Jožeta Pučnika Črešnjevec are establishing a tutoring system for youngsters with learning difficulties, on primary school Zreče youngsters are selecting last international healthy recipes that they will test out with their peers. Youngsters on primary schools Vojnik and Loče, secondary schools Zreče and Slovenska Bistrica are preparing sports and conversational workshops for building positive self-image and acceptance of diversity, at primary school Ob Dravinji youngsters are planning activities to enhance the cohesion within the school community and are ready to launch a survey about feeling of inclusion in school. And finally the youngsters on primary schools Pod goro and Pohorskega bataljona Oplotnica are preparing theatre sketches on the theme of psychological violence and ethnic background based discrimination.

Youngsters on Primary school Loče are eagerly awaiting the start of the activity: “We can’t wait to present to others what we are planning! We only hope that our peers will like the activities.”

Source and photo: MCDD

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